πŸ™ Midweek prayer needs for Dec. 18

Your Amen Peoria Midweek Prayer Points for the week of Dec. 18-24.

πŸ™ Midweek prayer needs for Dec. 18
Photo by Amaury Gutierrez / Unsplash

Here are your Amen Peoria Midweek Prayer Needs. Please keep these in your family and church's prayer time this week and share them with friends on social media.

  • Two companies with local bases have announced layoffs. Natural Fiber Welding has announced a second round of layoffs in the past month. Also laying off employees through the winter holidays is Liberty Steel. Pray for provision for all individuals and families affected by the layoffs.
  • A multivehicle crash on Saturday in Tazewell County left one person hospitalized. Please pray for a complete recovery for all those injured.
  • Many Tri-County residents will be traveling over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, and a lot of traffic will be coming through our area. Please pray for safe travel for all concerned.
  • Please pray for anyone struggling emotionally this Christmas and reach out to them if possible.

Amen, Peoria!

Do you know of a community-focused prayer need in the Tri-County area? Please email it to mike@amenpeoria.com along with a link that we can include in next week's prayer suggestions.